Sunday, October 13, 2013

Making the Side!

Today in DT Isabella and I decided it was time to make one of the sides for the trebuchet! It was a very successful lesson. We had no problems and our design is very pretty looking, however, we didn't want that to be the main case for making this, because the task is to make the trebuchet work! So we did heaps of triangles to support the wood and nailed them in. Most other groups used PVA glue to sick the wood and triangles together before nailing, however, Isabella and I used a hot glue gun before nailing as a test to see if it provides better support! I think the hardest part will be getting the other side of this trebuchet to match the length and width to this side as we didn't really measure exactly we just made sure we went by the requirements on 550cm in length! I will take a progress picture tomorrow to show you just how far we have gone and how proud I am of us girls!

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