Saturday, February 18, 2012

Holes, Holes and more Holes!

in this lesson of design futures we got our aluminium and timber and we had to get these two objects somehow together. i thought maybe it was really really strong glue! but no its was screws which sounded a bit more smarter then mine...We had to use three different hand screws things. first we had to put our aluminium in a holder and screw holes in it. i had to use the big screw holier in the aluminium first. after i have done that i put the smallest screw holier in the timber. after i did that i got a screw and put the aluminium on the timber together and put the screw in. i started with a hand screwer then i used the hand machine screwer. i had to press down really hard to get it to stay in the screw! This was such a fun lesson because i had never used these devices before and using them was scary at first but sooo fun in the end!

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