Wednesday, February 29, 2012


in this lesson we had to learn about our assignment and our evaluation and what we had to do. this lesson was really helpful because i was actually not really understanding the evaluation questions but now i do. i took some notes and also noted that it was all on blackboard which is so helpful!


Today i soldered! i was a bit nervous at first seeming the tool is VERY hot and looks really scary to use!!! i used it and i couldn't get the hang of it at first because the solder wasn't staying on properly to the LED lights for some reason! but then it finally came along and did it. i was really proud of what i did but i accidentally put a bit too much solder on. Mr Ward said that it was okay and it wasn't going to make any difference as long as the light worked.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Helping Hand!

Today In Design Futures I made a hole for my wires. i also helped my friend, Isabella Coman because she had troubles sanding so i helped her do that because she was scared to. so i showed her how it was done and sanded her two sides on her triangle wood the i made her sand her surface and her third side. After that i showed her how to make all the holes for her wood, aluminium and then screw them together! she found it a bit scary at first but then she got used to it, just like me! After that and she was up to the part where i was up to. We went over and formed a line with mr ward so he could help us get started on drilling then he would look over us to make sure we were doing it safely. That was scary! this lesson was very productive and so fun!


This lesson was not so good :( i accidentally got a bit confused with what was got to be done and i for some reason i took apart my lamp thinking i had to do that because my aluminium was turned inwards and i thought that because everyone else's was outwards i pulled it apart to try to put in a big hole for the wires but then mr Ward helped me and said to put it back together and then the bell went so i didn't have enough time to put one in :( at least it was a lesson learnt!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Holes, Holes and more Holes!

in this lesson of design futures we got our aluminium and timber and we had to get these two objects somehow together. i thought maybe it was really really strong glue! but no its was screws which sounded a bit more smarter then mine...We had to use three different hand screws things. first we had to put our aluminium in a holder and screw holes in it. i had to use the big screw holier in the aluminium first. after i have done that i put the smallest screw holier in the timber. after i did that i got a screw and put the aluminium on the timber together and put the screw in. i started with a hand screwer then i used the hand machine screwer. i had to press down really hard to get it to stay in the screw! This was such a fun lesson because i had never used these devices before and using them was scary at first but sooo fun in the end!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Bending and Twisting!

Today in Design Futures I got my alluminuim piece and my timber. i went to the bending bench where Mr. Ward helped people bend there aluminium, i bent mine like it went up straight and bent over. after that i went into the theory room and worked on my blog! it was interesting how we couldn't choose designs where it was sharp corners because the aluminium would go all funny for the wires and everything to go through, so we had to choose something with curves even if its simple its still going to look great! thats what Mr. Ward said :)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Theory Lesson!

In this lesson we got to choose if we worked in the workshop or we stayed in the theory room and worked on our assignments and blogs. I chose to do theory and work on my assignment and blog. it was really good doing this because i got a lot of class time to understand how the assignment is set out and i did one of my questions. i worked really well and next time i get to go into the workshop! yay!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Wardies wonderful workshop tour.

Today in this lesson we got to have a tour of the workshop. We learnt a lot of things and these are some of the points.

Wardies wonderful workshop tour 

- never use a machine if you are unaware of how to use it. Ask Mr Ward.
-always stay out of the yellow line if someone is using the machine. 
-Always wear safety spectacles and a apron when in the yellow line.
-always place things back wear they came from.

This was a good lesson because then I know how to use machines and know how to stay safe within the workshop and work productively.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Lesson 3:

Today in Design Futures we chose our lamp we want to do and tried to design the shape with wire so we can get the idea of our shape that the lamp would be having. I changed the shape I was doing because I couldn't do such tight curls so I changed to a simpler design.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Lesson 2, 2012; Light!

In design futures lesson today l learnt about light as we are making lamps. I found out that light years means how far away the star or planet is. For example if a star explodes but it is 130 light years away then we would only on earth see it 130 years later! This lesson was actually really interesting and I enjoyed it and was engaged in the things we were learning about light! here are some examples of light. even though you can't see it or touch it, you can see the effects of it :)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Lesson 1; 2012

Today was my first lesson in Design Futures but third for others. Today I drew sketches for what I wanted my lamp to look like. I did a lot of variety's like straight, curvy, wavy even wrinkly and now i am just looking back and seeing which one stands out to me the most! The picture above is all the ones i have drawn. I hope by next lesson i have picked which one i like!