Monday, October 24, 2011

Lesson 9

Today in lesson 9 i put together my grey and red wires. I had to cute a table and a half length of all the colours (one grey and 2 red). Then after cutting you chopped the plastic rubber end off a little bit off the ends of all the wires and i had to make sure that i twisted the wire once the rubber was cut off. i had some trouble because people told me to only chop the little rubber thing of the wires on one end only! so it was a bit annoying to have to go back to do that but after i did it was all good. after that Mr Andrews showed us (the ones who have done the wire) to use the heating thing, whoops i forgot the name! and i will use that next lesson i go :)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Lesson 8

This lesson in Design Futures I glued on my motors and batterys on my remote control with a glue gun. The glue gun takes forever to heat up though so I was standing around for a bit. But first before I stuck on my motors jazmin showed me how to do it and I had to make sure that the gold bits were facing up but once she showed me how to do one I did the other :) but with the battery on the remote I knew I could do this easily :) I finished early so I went into the next room and did my blog, which is this one! Haha this fun was very fun :)

Lesson 7

This lesson in Design Futures I glued my wheels on. I was very scared to put the glue on because number one I haven't ever glued and I was scared it was going to burn me! And second of all I didn't want to place my axels and wheels on the wrong way and it stays and glues on and I can't move it! Thankfully it went all good and it turned out perfect! :)