Sunday, September 11, 2011

Lesson 6

Today in design futures We didn't have a practicle lesson :( We had to work on our assignment and blogs because Mr. Andrews was away we had Mr. Ward instead. I was working on my assignment with Resistant Materials 2 to help with the table for component, materials, properties and other uses. I managed to get most of it done with the time I had. :)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Lesson 5

Today i got to put buttons on my control!!!! it looks so cool now and i was pretending to play with it with my friends even though its not connected or anything ahha. this was a fun lesson but i admit i didn't do much except that :)

Lesson 4

Today i melted my controller and bent it so it looks like a real controller! and it does! it was really fun as you left it on the strip heater and then when it looked ready and was on there for a good amount of time you had to quickly bend it and run over to the tap to cool it off for it to stay there. After i did the two sides i had to sand one side because it was longer then the other but its all good and perfect now :)

Lesson 3

today i got to do my second holes in my car with mr. andrews (i did them all wonky) and because i was ahead of others i had to just help them get on track and do there holes and cutting out stuff.

Lesson 2

this week i had to use the hand drill to cut my remote holes for the buttons! After I finished that Mr. Andrews helped me cut the lines in my car so the wheels could go on. that was very scary! i only had time to do one side though cause the bell went :(